Sunday 19 September 2010

Documentary Analysis - The Devil Made Me Do It: Public Enemy Number 1

Type of Documentary

Devil Worship Vs Religion
Crime - Murder investigation
Youth of today
Power of the Media: can the media influence individuals behaviour?

Narrative Structure
Open narrative structure
Single strand

Interviews - MCU or CU, framed left or rigt of screen, eyeline is 1/3 of way down the screen
Low angle is used on Manson
Guy selling posters - handheld camera work (not pre-arranged)
Two shot of couple of couch
OTS POV of Inspector - CU of faces
Stock footage - churhces, religious iconography, angels, bell towers - low and high angle
Tracking shot of Manson walking through Rome
Zoom of still images
Crane shot of cemetary
Manson press conference - observation shots of news media - not part of journalism
Tilted frame from nuns point of view

Inspector - cap of officer appeared large with himself smaller behind it (low angle)
Isolated nun
Man visiting the graveyard
Lighting - on most of stock footage there very dark apart from one orange or blue glow
Manson one to one interviews - low angle (power)
Dark and half life (good or bad)

Voice over - narrator, male, standard english, very calm in delivery
Voice over if the glue that hold the narrative together
Translating voice over - same age, gender as person on screen
Manson music
Religious music
Soung effects used

Hours of stock footage edited down and matched what the boy being interviewed said about being bored and seeing men stood around
Priest - entire interview audio and now filmed him driving, he looks tired and quiet road ahead - dramatic effect
Killing the nun - door, heart beat speeds up and slows down then stops when dead. Hitting with rock and stabbing then dog barks, breathing and whispering then church bell singly strikes at death.
Juxtaposition - Manson fans, controversial footage - religious music

Archive Material
News footage - police invesitgation, nuns funeral, girls leaving court
American t.v - colombine massacre
Manson music video
Girls with Manson on their chest

San serif white font - translating manson lyrics
- name as first line underneath relevance of person to topic
Left or right of screen - name bigger than job
Crusifix instead of letter T - dates and location
White text used to close the narrative of trial - credits being scrolled up screen
Tilting the audio being spoken

I have added in these pictures because it shows marilyn manson and when he dressed as the pope at one of his concerts, which is juxtaposition using religious connotations.

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